Nifty gay male story

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I won’t give up the fight no matter what any of my critics say (even if they’re part of my own family, mother).I decided to live vicariously through a nifty little sex story site appropriately called. It’s been around since 1992 and through it all over 15,000 brave men and women have written sex stories about what it’s like to orgasm as gay people. As Sheila looked over my shoulder in a rage of jealousy, I could feel my rare anime DVDs starting to break. It was finally going to happen tonight: my signed Sailor Moon boxsets were finally going to find their way into the wood chipper out behind the house if I didn’t show my lover a little more attention. So I stopped reading and spooned with her like the good little weeb I am.“Good weeb, good,” she said patting me on the back. “Always my girl,” I said smiling as I closed my eyes on her stuffed bosom.I couldn’t get the tales of gay lust out of my head. They did something to my…mother forgive me if you’re monitoring this and I’m going too far, but my…my dick became hard. I don’t know what that means for me, but I would love to review this nice little nifty site.

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